Who I Serve and How I Help My Clients
I know the start of a relationship with a new financial advisor can be fraught with questions. I want to tell you a little about the people I work with, and how I approach helping them plan for their retirement future at Retirement Portfolio Partners.

Secure Act 2.0 Updates
Congress doesn't agree on much these days but there is bipartisan support to help Americans save for retirement.

Why Are Your TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Bonds) Losing Money
Inflation has skyrocketed this year and has jumped to a 40 year high of 8.6% as of June 2022. But inflation-protected bond funds racked up losses, TIPS down almost 8% this year, so what gives?

Fiduciary vs Suitability
Is your financial advisor a Butcher(suitability) or a Dietitian(fiduciary)
2021: A Year in Review
Big banks, nor anyone else, possesses market forecasting skill. In that spirit, let me tell you more about 2021 and give you little to no insight as to what lies ahead for 2022.

Capital Gains 2021: Mutual Fund Capital Gains Taxes Could Be a Handful
Capital gains season approaches for mutual fund investors. Once again, it will be a good news/bad news period. Most actively managed stock funds have enjoyed strong absolute gains in 2021, but that means many of them estimate that their year-end distributions to fundholders will range in 9-23%

Among the things missing from President Biden’s revised framework for the Build Back Better Act unveiled by the White House on Thursday? ALL the retirement-related provisions.

Your Social Security Is Getting A Raise
Retirees who are receiving Social Security benefits will get a 5.9% boost in benefits.

Your Backdoor Roth IRA May Be Closing
By prohibiting Roth conversions of after-tax money in traditional IRAs beginning January 1, 2022, Congress effectively makes December 31, 2021 the deadline to execute the Roth conversion step of a 2021 Backdoor Roth IRA
Are HSAs the New IRAs?
HSAs can double as a secret IRA and allow you triple tax benefits so that you can save for the future in a tax deferred account.
Are You Making These 3 Mistakes With Your Health Savings Account?
HSAs offer pre-tax contributions, tax-free growth and tax-free withdrawals if used for qualifying reasons. Are you taking full advantage of its potential?

The hidden powers of a Health Savings Account (HSA)
There’s a savings account with a potential advantage over your 401(k) plan — and it just might help you save on taxes. Health savings accounts (HSAs) have been around for more than a decade. Very few savings arrangements offer the same advantages as HSAs—tax-deductible contributions, tax-deferred earnings, and tax-free distributions if used properly. This HSA triple tax advantage is extremely attractive.

What is the income-related monthly adjusted amount (IRMAA)?
For high-income Medicare beneficiaries, Part B and Part D premiums include an additional charge based on your modified adjusted gross income.

-Tax-free income in retirement
-No RMDs for owner or spousal beneficiary (owner)
-Roth income not considered for taxation of Social Security benefits, Medicare Part B/D premiums, other tax-related phase-outs
-Given the SECURE Act 10-year rule, leaving Roth accounts to heirs may be more tax-efficient

What Is a Backdoor Roth IRA?
The problem for high income taxpayers is that individuals who earn above a certain amount aren’t allowed to open or fund Roth IRAs—under the regular rules, anyway.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Retire
After you retire, your daily life will change in more ways than you probably imagine. Developing a clear picture of how you want to live your life after you retire will help you make better plans and adapt more easily to the changes retirement brings.

The Best Order For Saving For Retirement
Getting the basics right is one of the most important things you can do when it comes to investing your money. It's important to know what types of investment accounts you should make a priority over others.